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4 Ways To Boost Your Body Positivity

Have you heard of the concept ‘body positivity’? According to The Body Positivity website, it is the way in which we love, cherish, take care of and celebrate our body throughout our life time. It is extremely common to suffer and struggle with your body positivity. Results from March 2019 on The Mental Health Foundation website reveals that 20% of adults feel shame over their body, 34% felt low and 19% were disgusted. Life is too short to be obsessing over our bodies. We need to fall in love with them. We can do this by boosting our body positivity and introducing practises into our life so that we can do this. 

By addressing our body image issues and cherishing our bodies more, we are helping to boost our overall mental health too. This helps us to take care of our wellbeing, whether that is mental or physical. By practising body positivity, you begin to feel comfortable and even thrive in the body that you’re in. Life becomes lighter and freer. Take a joyful journey on self-care so that you can evolve a relationship with your body that is guided by love and kindness.

Here are four ways in which you can help to boost your body positivity. 

1. Practising Daily Positive Mantras. 

How often do you talk kindly to yourself and your body? Are you guilty of thinking negatively when you look in the mirror- speaking to yourself in a disgusted tone. Why am I so pale? Why are my thighs so big? I’m sure we are all guilty of muttering unkind words to ourselves when it comes to our reflection in the mirror. Now is the time to stop. Do you realise the power of positive daily mantras? No, well they are about to change your life. 

When you are constantly bashing your body, you are further setting a negative tone for the rest of your life. This recent study where army recruits had to lose weight, found that the ones that spoke and thought negatively of their self-image and bodies, actually gained weight. Whereas those that practised self-compassion and mindfulness, lost weight easier. Self-perception goes further than just our body positivity; it affects our whole lives and how successful we are with work, life goals and our relationships. 

By practising positive daily mantras in the mirror, you will change your life. It won’t happen over night- these things take time. But begin today- next time you look in the mirror shun away those negative thoughts and start by being kind to yourself. For the next month, practise positive thoughts and mantras each and every time you look in the mirror or undress. Try these ones to begin; 

  • “I am strong. I am beautiful. I am enough”- Vanessa Pawlowski. 
  • “I may not have the body I want, but I am going to love it as it is the only one I have” 
  • “I am sexy, I am desirable, I am loved.”
  •  “My body deserves my love and respect”

Instead of focusing on your flaws in the mirror, start to focus on your assets. I’ve always hated my nose- but my eyes are as blue as the ocean and so I celebrate that! 

2. Meditation Helps To Boost Body Positivity. 

According to We Are The City, meditation helps you to look and feel happier, which instantly improves your appearance, as let’s face it, a smile looks much nicer than a frown! Meditation helps to banish those unhealthy thoughts that we have about ourselves and helps to promote a healthy and positive body image. Are you looking to improve your body positivity? Try these guided meditations on the Insight Timer website. 

3. Getting Into Naturism To Help With Your Body Positivity. 

A great article to read on Happiness website discusses three studies on naturism and body positivity. The results from the first study found that participants of naturism had higher self-esteem and a more positive body image. As quoted on the website; “ In fact, the data demonstrated a correlation between active involvement in naturism and higher incidences of overall happiness.” 

The second and third study also revealed similar results; naturism does indeed help to boost body positivity and self-esteem. So, the results are unanimous, but how can you get into naturism? 

I would suggest starting slowly, beginning practising naturism around the house to build up your confidence in the nude. Walk around doing your chores, cooking and relaxation. Meditate in the nude from the comfort of your lounge floor. You can then start to build up to going to spas and retreats that accept naturism. This will help your confidence no end. 

Everyone is very accepting of each other; it is a lovely positive community to be a part of. Free of judgements and worries. We help to boost each other and love each other exactly as we are. By surrounding yourself with others, you will find people are all different shapes and sizes, and you will flourish with your own self-esteem and positive body image. 

4. Book Our Service Today. 

Many people ask us how to practise naturism and what you have to do to become a naturist. I would say to follow the steps above. Begin to love your body exactly as it is, practise positive daily mantras, take up meditation and yoga. We even host naturist yoga events, which you could be a part of. This helps to boost your mental health and body positivity whilst surrounding yourself with a likeminded group of people. Naturism will soon become something that you enjoy practising frequently. You will then start to see incredible benefits from it, such as boosted body positivity. 

People book our service as they are looking to improve their body positivity. We have had shy clients that want to boost their confidence with trusted company. If you were to book our cleaning service, you will be able to practise naturism in the comfort of your own home, whilst our nude cleaners are there to do your housework- what a perfect combination! By allowing us to be a part of your body positivity journey, you are able to build up your confidence and trust. Allowing you to feel freer, so that you can join more of the incredible adventures and activities, which you can do as a naturist. 

5. Healthy food and snacks Habits.

It is important to practice healthy habits, then you boost your chances of a longer life. The American Council on Exercise reported on an eight-year study of 13,000 people. The study showed that those who walked just 30 minutes each day significantly reduced their chances of dying prematurely, compared with those who exercised infrequently. Why not start with just short five-minute walks and gradually increase the time until you’re up to 30 minutes. Go along with your loved ones or your pet.

Another good habit is to get as balanced diet as possible, lots of veggies and fruits instead of lots of carbs. Try to choose healthy snacks. All that helps to keep our naked bodies beautiful and skin smooth. A very nice gift from nature is Honey and as we all know there are so many benefits of having a spoon a day of natural raw honey. A recently launched start up company Buzzy Blend’s Honey offer the mouthwatering taste from nature blended ingredients with a variety of flavours, head over to their website and treat yourself”.

Start following the steps above to begin your journey on boosting your body positivity. 

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